I am still deeply saddened by the horrific massacre that occured at Fort Hood. In addition to being sad, I am so angry. In my opinion this was a terrorist attack on an American military base on American soil. I feel that Nidal Hasan should be treated as a terrorist.
It sickens me to see Hasan's picture on the news in an Army Uniform. It sickens me when they call him Major. I am so sick of the finger pointing as to who is the blame. The blame is with Nidal Malik Hasan and no one else. Nidal Hasan is the one who entered into the Soldier Readiness Center and murdered our soldiers and wounded so many others. Nidal Hasan is a well trained psychiatrist, who's extensive education was paid for by the Military with our tax dollars. How does Hasan show his gratitude to our Military, he murders unarmed Soldiers. Hasan, being a trained professional, should have recognized the warning signs of his own thoughts/actions and should have seeked help. However, I believe he knew exactly what he was doing and planned out the attack. I believe that this was a premeditated attack based on his actions earlier that morning, when he was giving away his possessions and handing out copies of his Koran. I believe he knew exactly what he was going to do and where he was going to do it. I will never believe that he could have PTSD by hearing our soldiers stories when he himself did not live or see them. Hearing and seeing are two totally different things. I have to wonder how much damage Nidal Hasan did to our soldiers that he did treat for PTSD.
So now Hasan's family has lawyered up which is to be expected. However, what I didn't not expect was a Retired Colonel to take the case. Which makes me wonder if this lawyer has taken the case because it is such a high profile, high dollar case or is it because he really thinks he can win this case? I don't understand how someone who is retired from the military, could willingly represent someone who, without remorse, murdered unarmed soldiers. There is no amount of money that could lead me to defend this coward, traitor and terrorist named Nidal Malik Hasan. Now, Hasan is going to be treated with kit gloves because of his civil rights. What about the civil rights to life of those that he murdered in cold blood? I heard Hasan's lawyer say he was worried about the quality of care his client was receiving. Excuse me, but I don't care about his client's medical treatment. If it were up to me Hasan would be last on the list to get any type of medical treatment. But, again this is just my opinion.
Some of you may not agree with what I am about to say but this is my opinion and it is not open for discussion. I am entitled to my opinion as you are entitled to yours.
I feel that it is time to stop calling Nidal Hasan, Major. It's time to strip that title from him. It is time they stop referring to this terrorist as "Army Major" and start referring to him as a "traitor" in the U.S. Army. In my opinion Nidal Hasan is a coward who murdered 13 of our brave men and women soldiers on American soil.
I don't feel that this coward, traitor and terrorist, Nidal Hasan is a "Good American" as was stated by his cousin. Nidal Hasan's actions are the actions of someone who is Anti-American. When Nidal Hasan's cousin called him a "Good American" it actually made me sick to my stomach.
I do not care that I am not being politically correct. In my opinion Nidal Hasan murdered, in cold blood, unarmed American Soldiers. However, I think the murder total should be 14 and not 13. The life of the soldier's unborn child should also be counted.